TPIO Chess

Two Pieces in One Chess  or TPIO Chess  represents a fairy condition  in which white and black pieces change their value by unifying two pieces  that move to the same square; unification is accomplished by moving the lower value piece, followed by moving the upper value piece. 

The value of the six pieces of chess on a scale of 6 to 1 will be the following: Queen 6 points, Rook 5 points, Bishop and Knight 4 points, Pawn 2 points and King one point.

Table of how to form and represent TPIO pieces

Three  Pieces in One Chess 
The composition and decomposition of a TPIO piece is a reversible process. The decomposition of a TPIO piece is made in the opposite direction to its composition. It will be compulsory to follow the thematic square of  composition and the place of the original pieces. Any other fields and moves will be considered non-thematic.

Rules to be observed when composing a TPIO Chess:
- the unification of the two pieces will be of the same white or black color, it will be made on the same field and the moves will be consecutive,
- the problem without the condition "TPIO Chess" will have no solution, if it exists then it will be eliminated,
- are allowed: DUPLEX, Zeroposition, neutral pieces, Circe, Madrasi etc.

(August 17th 2018) 1st TPIO Chess problem was published:     Thank you!